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Board & Staff

Board & Staff

Our District

Fresno County Mosquito Control Districts

Enter your address to find your local mosquito control district

We are a California government public health service agency formed under the authority of the California State Health and Safety Code. The Fresno Mosquito and Vector Control District is a property-tax supported special district created in 1942 to control mosquitoes in parts of the Fresno, the city of Kerman, and the unincorporated communities of Biola, Calwa, Malaga and Easton. The mission of the District is to suppress populations of mosquitoes and other vectors of human disease-carrying potential, and reducing annoyance levels below generally acceptable thresholds.


Learn more about Special Districts:

District Goals  

District goal

GOAL 1:    To stress vector prevention through public education and to hold producers of mosquitoes and other vectors responsible for their production.


  GOAL 2:    To develop and maintain monitoring programs for vectors and the diseases they transmit, and to maintain an accurate record keeping system.


  GOAL 3:    To use environmentally sensitive control methodologies which assure effective, efficient, and economical vector control.


  GOAL 4:    To conduct program planning and review of program procedures, equipment, and techniques to maintain effective quality assurance.


  GOAL 5:    To enhance employee professional development, personal productivity, and safety.


  GOAL 6:    To cooperate with other agencies, within the limits of available time and resources, to maximize public benefit.

Board & Staff

Board/ staff

Staff Members:

Ryan McNeil
District Manager

Jacob J.
Assistant Manager

Julia L.
Office Manager

Sabino V.
Area Supervisor 

Chenoa D.

Board Members:                               

Kristi Lawrence                            

Michael Barajas


Ken Moore

Rauden (Rod) Coburn III
Vice President




Original Appointment








10-Oct- 2006



Current Term Expiration













Election/ Appointment Procedure & Deadlines


Fresno Mosquito and Vector Control District Board of Trustees



  • Fresno Mosquito & Vector Control District


Enabling Legislation:

  • Health and Safety Code Section 2000-2093 et seq.



  • Five members


Term Specifications:

  • Two or four years, at the discretion of the following bodies: Fresno County Board of Supervisors (3 trustees), City of Fresno (1 trustee), and City of Kerman (1 trustee). Two years for initial appointment, four years on reappointment



  • Members receive a monthly stipend of $100 in total for all meetings and expenses related to district business



  • Within the district's boundaries or in territory that is located outside the district from which vectors and vector borne diseases may enter the district, the district may do all of the following: conduct surveillance programs and other appropriate studies of vectors and vector borne diseases, take any and all necessary or proper actions to prevent the occurrence of vectors and vector borne diseases, and take any and all necessary or proper actions to abate or control vectors and vector borne diseases.



  • Each appointee must reside within the boundaries of the District

  • Each appointee must be a registered voter in Fresno County


Meeting Schedule:

  • Regular meetings of the Board are held every third Wednesday of the month at 2pm, unless otherwise motioned upon in open session


AB 1234 Ethics Training:

  • Pursuant to Government Code Section 53235, if any local agency provides any type of compensation, salary, or stipend to a member of a legislative body or provides reimbursement for actual and necessary expenses incurred by a member of a legislative body in the performance of official duties, then all agency officials shall receive training in ethics


Oath of Office:

  • Required


Statement of Economic Interests (Form 700):

  • Required



  • 2338 E. McKinley Ave. Fresno, CA 93703

Do you want to become a board member?

Public Records Request

Public Records


**Applications may be faxed (559-268-8918), mailed, delivered in-person or    

    emailed to**


Job Openings

The District accepts applications for seasonal employment throughout the year. Generally, the summer employment season is from March through October (depending on weather).

Fresno Mosquito and Vector Control District logo

2338 E. McKinley Avenue Fresno, CA 93703                    

Tel: 559-268-6565                   

Fax: 559- 268- 8918       

Office hours:  MONDAY – FRIDAY   7:30AM TO 4:00PM      

Closed on Weekends & Major Holidays

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